Compatibility Astrology

Chiron in Synastry

In synastry, Chiron contacts indicate that healing can be achieved through your union. The planet person may (inadvertently) push Chiron’s buttons, or vice-versa, reminding him of past hurts he has been carrying throughout his life.

Indeed, Chiron’s energy is both healing, and painful. The Chiron person has the ability to cleanse the planet person’s wound and guide them away from what has been hurting them.

Chiron-Sun Aspects in Synastry:

The Sun person learns much from the Chiron person, and perhaps discovers her life purpose. Harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Sun, Chiron trine Sun, Chiron sextile Sun) indicate mutual trust, respect, compassion, and love.

The Chiron person supplies understanding and compassion that can heal the painful issues related to the Sun person’s identity or childhood. In the process, Chiron is able to heal his own wounds.

Hard aspects (Chiron square Sun, Chiron opposite Sun), on the other hand, are more difficult. Overcoming old hurts are likely to occur if this synastry aspect is present. The couple may inadvertently contribute to further emotional pain.

Chiron-Moon Aspects in Synastry:

Chiron and the Moon are both sensitive planets. When one person’s Chiron makes a harmonious aspect to another person’s Moon (Chiron conjunct Moon, Chiron trine Moon, Chiron sextile Moon), the relationship acts as a comforting, nurturing avenue for mutual healing.

Hard aspects between Chiron and the Moon in synastry (Chiron square Moon, Chiron opposite Moon) indicate that the Moon person is likely to trigger past painful memories of the Chiron person. The Chiron person’s reaction to these hurts may surprise the both of them! The Chiron person might find the Moon person insensitive, which could, in turn, offend the Moon person. Hurt feelings are common in this relationship.

As a couple, their job is to understand that these emotional reactions are symptomatic of past hurts, and learn to move forward.

Chiron-Mercury Aspects in Synastry:

When one person’s Chiron makes a harmonious aspect to another person’s Moon (Chiron conjunct Mercury, Chiron trine Mercury, Chiron sextile Mercury), the couple shares a healing communicative and intellectual bond. The Mercury person helps the Chiron person put their pain into words and move past childhood wounds.

Hard aspects between Chiron and the Mercury in synastry (Chiron square Mercury, Chiron opposite Mercury) indicate that the Mercury person can be hurtful with their words. The Chiron person is very sensitive to what the Mercury person says, as it triggers past wounds and childhood trauma. Extra compassion and care should be observed in this relationship, for the threat of hurt feelings is very high.

Chiron-Venus Aspects in Synastry:

Many astrology websites state this aspect is an indication of “true love”.

Harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Venus, Chiron sextile Venus, Chiron trine Venus) indicate the couple has the ability to heal each other from the pains of previous relationships. This is a strong, loving bond, which serves to cleanse them of past, damaging relationship habits and embrace true love. The planet person is soothing to the Chiron person, while the Chiron person helps the Venus person discover the benefits of a loving relationship.

The hard aspects (Chiron square Venus, Chiron opposite Venus) are more difficult to handle. In this case, healing does not come as easily. Together, the couple will have to work through past hurts in order to move forward. They may inadvertently remind each other of past relationship difficulties.

For example, I was in a short-term relationship with a man whose Venus conjuncts my Chiron. I reminded him very much of a past girlfriend, with whom he had a painful, tumultuous relationship. In fact, I even looked a bit like her!

There were so many similarities between her and I. Our conjunction is in Gemini, so through conversation, I helped him deal with the hurts he had been holding on to. However, I ultimately ended up hurting him in the same way she did.

Chiron-Mars Aspects in Synastry:

Harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Mars, Chiron trine Mars, Chiron sextile Mars) indicate healing through sex and joint action. Past hurts in regards to sexuality and aggression are healed through this union.

Hard aspects (Chiron square Mars, Chiron opposite Mars) between Chiron and Mars in synastry can be difficult to handle. Through conflict, Mars person may (inadvertently) re-open Chiron’s past wounds and hurts.

Chiron may feel the Mars person is unsympathetic and cruel, while the Mars person may find the Chiron person overly-sensitive. Chiron may also (inadvertently) re-open Mars’ wounds, as they relate to sexuality, drive, and action.

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Chiron-Jupiter Aspects in Synastry:

The harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Jupiter, Chiron trine Jupiter, Chiron sextile Jupiter) between Chiron and Jupiter in synastry signify that the couple will be able to heal one another from past hurts, and gain understanding into their relationship habits. This indicates the two have compatible values. The Jupiter brings optimism and good will to the Chiron person.

The hard aspects (Chiron square Jupiter, Chiron opposite Jupiter) are a bit trickier to deal with. In this case, there can be a clash between the desire to grow and the pain of past wounds. Mutual understanding and patience is key to mutual growth.

Chiron-Saturn Aspects in Synastry:

In the case of harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Saturn, Chiron trine Saturn, Chiron sextile Saturn), the Saturn person brings structure and discipline to the Chiron person’s life, which will help them deal with and heal from past wounds.

The hard aspects (Chiron square Saturn, Chiron opposite Saturn) indicate the Saturn person has, or at least desires, a great deal of control over the relationship. Both parties are likely to feel their own limitations in each other’s presence.

Chiron may make Saturn feel inadequate, while Chiron may feel their inner healing is blocked or restricted by the Saturn person. Chiron may wish to heal the Saturn person’s wounds and attend to his needs, but Saturn does not let that happen.

Chiron-Uranus Aspects in Synastry:

In the case of harmonious aspects between Chiron and Uranus (Chiron conjunct Uranus, Chiron trine Uranus, Chiron sextile Uranus) , the Uranus person excitement and a refreshing energy to the Chiron person’s life, which will help them deal with and heal from past wounds. The Uranus person teaches the Chiron person to develop detachment from the past and look towards the future. They may also show Chiron new and inventive ways to harness their healing powers.

The hard aspects (square, opposition) between Chiron and Uranus indicate the Uranus person’s instability and unpredictability brings pain to the Chiron person. There may be a lot of attraction between the couple, but Chiron may find Uranus too unreliable and impersonal for a mutually healing relationship.

Chiron-Neptune Aspects in Synastry:

Harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Neptune, Chiron trine Neptune, Chiron sextile Neptune) between Chiron and Neptune in synastry indicate mutual compassion, unconditional love, and understanding between the partners.

The hard aspects (Chiron square Neptune, Chiron opposite Neptune) between Chiron and Neptune indicate that fear and insecurity plague the relationship. Past hurts affect the couple; each person may spend more time nursing their own wounds, rather than looking at the other person’s point of view.

The Neptune person may feel confused as to why the Chiron person reacts negatively to her actions. Chiron may feel that Neptune misunderstands where he is coming from.

Chiron-Pluto Aspects:

Harmonious aspects (Chiron conjunct Pluto, Chiron trine Pluto, Chiron sextile Pluto) between Chiron and Pluto in synastry indicate a healing and transformative relationship. Chiron represents our inner wounds and our healing abilities, while Pluto represents deep transformation and regeneration, so this aspect works beautifully in composite. Both partners feel stronger and more resilient when they are together. They are not afraid to

The hard aspects (Chiron square Pluto, Chiron opposite Pluto) between Chiron and Pluto can be problematic in a relationship. The Pluto person might manipulate the Chiron person and use their past wounds against them. In a romantic relationship, this aspect can indicate a dynamic where one person (or both) may feel powerless or wounded in some way, while the other person may struggle with issues of control or manipulation. This can lead to a power struggle in the relationship, with both parties feeling a sense of tension and conflict.

Chiron conjunct North Node Aspect: 

Chiron conjunct North Node in synastry indicates a strong karmic link between the two people. Chiron represents our wounds and our healing abilities, while the North Node represents our soul’s true purpose, and the qualities and experiences we are meant to develop in this lifetime.

This aspect indicates that the two individuals are meant to support each other in their healing journeys, and may have a strong spiritual connection or shared goal in this lifetime. It’s important for both individuals to approach the relationship with openness, vulnerability, and a willingness to work through any challenges that arise. The Chiron person’s healing abilities brings the Node person towards their true purpose.

Overall, Chiron conjunct North Node in synastry can be a powerful aspect that can bring about deep transformation and healing in a relationship, particularly on the part of the Node person. Whether or not the Node person is ready for this healing, they will ultimately feel a strong pull towards the Chiron person.

Check the house placement and sign of this conjunction, as well as the aspects it receives.

Chiron conjunct South Node Aspects:

Chiron conjunct South Node in synastry can indicate a past-life connection between two people that may bring up old wounds and patterns that need to be addressed in this lifetime. Chiron represents our wounds and healing journey, while the South Node represents our past lives and karmic patterns.

In South Node connections, it is usually the planet person who is indebted to the Node person from a past lifetime. While the connection feels very comfortable and familiar, it does not offer room for much growth, and the couple tends to get stuck in familiar patters and habits they cultivated in past lifetimes.

When Chiron is conjunct the South Node in synastry, it can suggest that the couple has a shared history that needs to be worked through in order to move forward. This means the couple will do a lot of learning and healing in this relationship in order to clear past karma. It’s important for both parties to approach the relationship with an open mind, heart, and a commitment to healing and growth.

What house does this conjunction reside in each of your charts? This will give you clues as to where this karmic energy will manifest in your lives.

Chiron conjunct Vertex Aspects in Synastry:

Chiron conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated, karmic bond. Healing and transformation are the focus of this relationship, as well as compassion and understanding. Together, the couple works together to heal each other and themselves through this relationship. Both partners experience much growth and transformation through this relationship due to the compassion and sensitivity they receive from each other.


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