
Sun Moon Midpoint in Synastry

Do you have midpoint aspects with your partner? This is a great indication of a long-lasting relationship, but only an experienced astrologer can tell if your relationship will last. Order a personalized synastry report today at astroladyconsultations@gmail.com!

When one of your inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or important points (North/South Node, Vertex, Sun/Moon midpoint, Ascendant/Descendant, IC/MC axis) makes a hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition) to another person’s Sun/Moon midpoint, a significant bond is indicated.

What is the Sun Moon Midpoint?

The Sun/Moon midpoint is a very sensitive point, which represents the synthesis of one’s ego expression and emotional energy. This point has been said to represent a point of “inner marriage” and represents our closest relationships, as it represents the synthesis of our masculine (Sun) and feminine (Moon) energies.

You’ll often find synastry aspects involving the Sun/Moon midpoint in the synastry charts of significant relationships. In this case, the planet person brings the Midpoint person’s feminine and masculine energies together, making them feel complete.

The person whose Sun/Moon midpoint is activated is likely to feel more balanced around the planet person. You feel like you belong together, and the attraction is irresistible. The Midpoint person is generally the one who feels more attracted, based on this aspect.

My ex-boyfriend’s Sun is conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint, and my Sun is conjunct his Sun/Venus midpoint. The attraction was immediate, and I felt I had found the “one.” He, too, felt that I was the perfect mate.

I certainly did feel very balanced and ‘complete’ around him; I felt so satisfied and content when we were together. Even though we broke up a while ago, I still feel love for him, and think of him often.

My Venus is conjunct my other ex-boyfriend’s Sun/Moon midpoint. He always told me he felt I was the “perfect woman.” I felt very comfortable around him, but my attraction to him was not as strong as his attraction to me.

Sun to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The Sun person’s inner being and overall personality make the midpoint owner feel content and complete. The midpoint owner is likely to feel they have met the “one” in the Sun person.

Moon to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The way the Moon person expresses her feelings makes the midpoint owner feel understood and loved. The midpoint owner is likely to feel comforted in the presence of the Moon person.

Mercury to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The way the Mercury person communicates makes the midpoint owner feels comfortable and understood. The midpoint owner is likely to feel accepted in the presence of the Mercury person.

Venus to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The way the Venus person shows affection, as well as Venus’ social graces and personal style, is very attractive to the midpoint person. The midpoint owner is likely to feel accepted and in love in the presence of the Venus person.

Mars to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The Mars person’s sexual charisma and assertiveness energizes the midpoint person. The midpoint person is likely to feel more proactive and assertive in the presence of the Mars person.

Ascendant to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The physical appearance of the Ascendant person is likely to make the midpoint person feel attracted, as well as secure in their own self-expression.

IC/MC axis to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

The career or status of the MC person is likely to help the midpoint owner succeed in their own career. In addition, since the IC is involved, the midpoint owner is likely to feel “at home” with the IC person.

North/South Node to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

This is a karmic connection. The Nodes represents one’s destiny. When this aspect is present in synastry, the union is fated, and the couple has a past-life connection.

Vertex to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects:

This aspect indicates a fated, karmic connection. The two of you feel as though you are meant to be with each other. This is likely to be a life-changing relationship.

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One thought on “Sun Moon Midpoint in Synastry

  1. What about Sun/Moon midpoint to Sun/Moon midpoint aspects?
    You said they were significant but don’t mention what they mean in detail like the others.

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