Astrology · Compatibility Astrology

Kim and Kanye Synastry

The world was shocked at the announcement that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are in a relationship. I, like many of my peers, dismissed the union as a publicity stunt. However, looking at their synastry, it seems there is more than meets the eye with this pair. Let’s take a look at their synastry…


Kanye’s Gemini Sun and Jupiter conjunct Kim’s Descendant. This, in itself, is one of the most powerful synastry aspects, and is often found in the synastry charts of married couples. Kanye encapsulates what Kim looks for in a mate. As a Sagittiarus Ascendant, Kim is attracted to men with Geminian qualities such as intellectual curiosity and a love of variety. Kanye’s Jupiter infuses her with optimism and prosperity through their union.


Kanye’s Neptune in Sagittarius conjuncts Kim’s Ascendant/Venus conjunction almost exactly. This is another great, and very strong, aspect. In Kanye, Kim sees her soul mate, and tends to overlook his flaws. Kim must take care that she is seeing Kanye for who he is, rather than what she believes him to be.


Kim’s Mars is conjunct Kanye’s Ascendant. In a woman’s chart, her Mars sign reveals what kind of man she is attracted to and what turns her on. With this combination, Kanye’s physical appearance encapsulates Kim’s idea of her “ideal man”.


Kanye’s Sun/Jupiter conjunction opposes Kim’s Venus/Neptune conjunction. Oppositions are powerful aspects in synastry, particularly when they fall along one of the person’s Ascendant/Descendant axis. Kanye’s Sun in opposition to Kim’s Venus is a binding aspect for both parties. Kim adores Kanye, and Kanye finds Kim beautiful and charming. They enjoy socializing and attending parties together.


Kim’s Neptune opposes Kanye’s Sun, so again, we see idealization, this time on the part of Kanye. Once again, Kanye must be careful he is seeing Kim for who she really is, rather than what he believes her to be.


Kanye’s Jupiter opposing Kim’s Venus is a benevolent aspect. Kim gives Kanye the benefit of the doubt and is easy to forgive, while Kanye spoils Kim with gifts and pleasures.


Kanye’s Saturn trines Kim’s Venus, which is a stabilizing aspect. They find it easy to settle into a committed relationship with each other. They are less inclined to feel burdened by this relationship; they feel comfortable in their commitment to each other. This sentiment is reinforced by Kim’s Saturn in trine aspect to Kanye’s Sun. These harmonious Saturn aspects promote longevity and responsibility to each other.


Kanye’s Saturn also conjuncts Kim’s Moon. Again, this is a very stabilizing, binding aspect. Thankfully, this conjunction is not afflicted by other planets. This is an indication of a serious relationship. On the down side, Kim may find Kanye a bit serious or harsh, and may be afraid to express her feelings out of fear of Kanye’s disapproval. Over time, this can lead to emotional distancing due to a feeling of being misunderstood by the Saturn person. Thankfully, these two have “lighter” aspects to even things out.


Kanye’s Venus and Mars oppose Kim’s Sun. This indicates a considerable physical and sexual attraction on Kanye’s part. Kim encapsulates what Kanye finds beautiful and sexy. Kanye’s Mars in opposition to Kim’s Sun can lead to heated conflicts. Kanye’s Venus and Mars are situated in Kim’s fifth house of love, romance, and children (!). Kanye stimulates Kim’s desire for fun and romance, as well as procreation.


Kim’s Venus falls in Kanye’s 4th house, which serves to stimulate Kanye’s love of home. Kanye loves spending time at home with Kim; with Kim, Kanye feels comfortable, nurtured, and cared for.


Another powerful aspect these two share is Kanye’s North Node conjunct Kim’s Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Jupiter! Wow! The North Node represents “where we’re going” in this lifetime, while the South Node represents “where we’ve been”. With Kim, Kanye feels like he is “going somewhere”. Kanye feels a powerful pull towards Kim, which can be exciting, but scary, at the same time! Kim pulls Kanye out of his comfort zone. He grows a lot through this relationship, especially through the lens of personal growth (Sun), transformation and sex (Pluto), intellectual communication (Mercury), and beliefs (Jupiter). However, Kim’s North Node is unaspected (by conjunction or opposition) to Kanye’s planets, so it is Kanye that will benefit most from this union, in terms of his personal growth.


My prediction: Kim and Kanye have surprisingly wonderful synastry! They have many “soul mate” aspects, and I can see this relationship lasting a long time. Two problems: Kanye’s own chart features a Uranus-Venus opposition, which can indicate a fear of commitment and “settling down”. He is also a Gemini Sun, which adds to his need to “move around” and not be tied down. Indeed, Geminis tend to bore easily!


The second problem I see is the amount of *unilateral* nodal connections between Kanye’s North Node and Kim’s Libra Stellium. Depending on Kanye’s stage in life, he might not be ready to embrace his North Node at the present time. His North Node is in Libra, and his South Node is in Aries. His Aries South Node implies that he is preoccupied with himself and his independence. For Kanye, it is always about HIM. Perhaps Kim threatens his sense of independence by stimulating his desire for partnership. Kim might feel like she’s constantly “giving” in the relationship, which can be draining.


Interestingly enough, it looks like Kim and Kanye got together right when transiting Saturn was on his North Node, and on her Libra Stellium.


I think Saturn’s trek through Scorpio, beginning on October 5th, will be trying for the couple. Saturn will conjunct Kanye’s natal Uranus and oppose his Venus/Mars/Chiron stellium in Taurus near the end of the year, so he may feel the need to break free from Kim. Alternatively, the transit may “mute” these energies and compel him to settle down. Either way, Kim and Kanye are in for some changes, and soon!


Kim’s Natal Chart

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Kanye’s Natal Chart

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Kim and Kanye’s Synastry Chart (Kim in the middle)

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Kim and Kanye’s Composite Chart

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Click here to read Kim and Pete – What Went Wrong?

3 thoughts on “Kim and Kanye Synastry

  1. There are some aspects mentioned here that seem wrong…1- Kim doesn’t have a Rising/Venus conjunction. Her Venus (in Virgo) widely squares her Ascendant. So his Sun/Jupiter oppose her Rising, but square her Venus; 2- Kim’s Mars is not conjunct Kanye’s Ascendant, according to other astrology websites. His rising is in Cancer and her Mars is in Sagittarius 3- Kanye’s Saturn in Leo does not trine Kim’s Virgo Venus…Also his Saturn does not conjunct her Pisces Moon.

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